Clean a set of documents

This command line will process all clean processors to objects given by a camptocamp url.

Command line

campbot clean <url> <lang> --login=<login> --password=<password> [--delay=<seconds>] [--bbcode]

Options and arguments

  • <url> is like : all routes associated to waypoint 940468 will be cleaned. Shorthand routes#w=940468 is accepted.
  • <lang> is a lang identifier, like fr or de. Clean procedure will impacts only this lang.

Clean processors

Good advice

--delay is the time between each API request. By default, it’s 3s, which is very low. As it’s time consuming, it’s preferable to set --delay to a low value. As you will have to validate each modification, API w’ont be overloaded.


campbot clean fr --login=rabot --password=fake_pwd --delay=0.1


This option clean old good BBCode tags with their markdown equivalents. No more usefull, except for your outings :

campbot clean outings#u=123 fr --login=your_login --password=fake_pwd --bbcode


123 must be your user numerical id, you can find it in your home page’s URL.