Create an area¶

There is no UI for adding new areas. But API entry point is up and running!

import json
from campbot import CampBot

def create_area(bot, title, geom_detail):
    result =
            "geometry": {"geom": None, "geom_detail": json.dumps(geom_detail),},
            "type": "a",
            "quality": "medium",
            "area_type": "admin_limits",
            "available_langs": ["fr"],
            "locales": [
                {"lang": "fr", "summary": None, "title": title, "description": None,}


bot = CampBot()
bot.login("moderator_login", "password")

geom_detail = {
    "coordinates": [
            [5012713.121726842, -1417626.9752307558],
            [5014720.969939139, -1419322.4914989625],
            [5016862.674699049, -1421910.3847504659],
            [5012713.121726842, -1417626.9752307558],  # this point must be the same as the first one
    "type": "Polygon",

create_area(bot, "New area", geom_detail)