Get routes from books¶

Get all routes associated to a set of books

    python 14637 14538 179160 14652 > results.txt

import campbot
import sys

bot = campbot.CampBot()

books_ids = sys.argv[1:]

routes = []
for books_id in books_ids:
    book =
    routes += book["associations"]["routes"]

def get_title(r):
    return r.get_title("fr") or r.get_title("it") or r.get_title("de") or r.get_title("es")

routes = [campbot.objects.Route(bot, r) for r in {r["document_id"]: r for r in routes}.values()]
routes = sorted(routes, key=get_title)

for r in routes:
    print(f'1. {r.get_url()} : {get_title(r)}')