Export data as CSV

CSV (comma separated values) is a convenient way to export data for later analysis on spreadsheet softwares (Excel…). Here is a code that exports some informations from images associated to an article

from campbot import CampBot

bot = CampBot(min_delay=0.01)

article = bot.wiki.get_article(1058594)  # Concours Photo Sophie 2018

def output(*args):
    print(";".join(map(str, args)))

output("image", "licence", "creator", "creator_id", "Associated route count",
    "Associated waypoint count")

for image in article.associations.images:
    image = bot.wiki.get_image(image.document_id)
    output(image.get_url(), image.image_type, image.creator["name"],
        image.creator["user_id"], len(image.associations.routes),